Monday, April 9, 2007

My Baby is turning 12!

My baby is turning 12 next week, well I guess shes not so much a baby anymore, in fact she announced yesterday that this will be her last year to hunt Easter Eggs! I am heart broken, this is my last "little one" and yet another milestone has passed, another tradition that has changed. This is why I am so passionate about capturing these moments, they do happen so briefly and then they are gone and you mourn the day you watched them waddle thru the grass looking for these little eggs and getting so excited to find them (when you couldnt even get them to eat eggs for breakfast 3 hours before!). It seems like she still looked like this just yesterday (and yes this is a snapshot :)

This is the birthday card I designed for her party. As you can see, shes grown just a little and is now such a beautiful, smart litle girl, well young lady I guess I should say. Its just as important to capture all of these moments as they get older, and harder to do! But believe me, in the midst of teenage chaos, deadlines, soccer, homework & our work, these little guys grow up and before you know it, these times have passed and your snapshots and portraits are all that are left to remember it by.

FREE Associate Sessions!

As many of you know, I am not in the studio on Mondays. I take that day to catch up on my work (art pieces, marketing etc) while Angie has been doing sales and ordering on Mondays. I also tend to be out of the studio or on location in the afternoons a couple of days during the week so Angie and I sat down recently and she told me she gets lonely when I leave! Cory is so busy on the phones that shes in her office, Dan has his nose glued to the retouching computer when he's here and poor Angie is downstairs all alone. Well we came up with a solution to that! During April & May to help keep her company we are going to be offering FREE session fees for Associate Sessions on Mondays and also on Thursday afternoons (2-4:30pm). During these times we will waive your session fee for Associate Sessions photographed by Angie. ($35 savings! Normal minimums apply). So call today and book your session! Check out our website for information on upcoming "Associate Themes" and check out the new "Associate Gallery" to get some ideas for your sessions!

The Bunnys Have Left the Building!

We just finsihed up our Spring Bunny Portraits and Sugar & Spice did a wonderful job of playing with the kids! It was so adorable to watch them interact with children and it was amazing how calm and playful they were! Here are some of our favs:

Portraits from our Model Sessions!

We sent out a email about 6 weeks ago asking our clients for models to test shoot our new props, clothing and set ideas. This was SUCH a fun project to do! I'm posting a few of the images from these sessions and will be adding these to the website as well soon. peaking of the website, Angie has just finished completely updating our website with lots of new images as well as a "Associate Gallery" showing off images from our Associate Sessions! (More news on that coming!) So without further delay, here are some of our favs from the model shoots!: