Just got this yummy new set put together for babies! Isnt it great! very graphic and just pops with personality! Of course our model is adorable and really makes these fun! She is 4 months old, almost too young for the hat box so I recommend babies who can hold their trunk up for lengths of time but is great for little ones who are not quite sittingup right. These are my outfits so they are available as well to use! solid colors work best and fun colors! I love the idea of tourqoise, Aqua or seaform, hot pink...anything like that! The white fur is great for them to lay on and a soft pink blanket would be great as well. Dont forget our petty skirts! ruffles galore! This set will only work for small babies up to about a year, not big enough for older kiddos unless its a head and shoulders shot. Enjoy! And thank you to my wonderful clients for sharing their darling little girl with us all!
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