Hi there, I am SO excited to announce that I was selected to decorae the labor & Delivery & Mother/Baby wing of the new Seton Williamson Hospital! We will be installed over 30 images in the halls of the wing, all focusing on my favorite Newborn Art! We are so excited and would love for you to be able to see the display at the amazing new facility. I have been so blown away by the architecture and thoughtfulness that is this new hospital. Their staff is just the best, many I have met through my work with Now I Lay me Down to Sleep and am so excited to work with them so close to home.
We were also asked to design a new program for newborn photography at the hospital! That being my specialty and love, I of course said yes. The greatest part is that the hospital wanted a totally new concept in newborn photography, they wanted their patients to really experiance a professional photo session and have really beautiful first images of their baby. It has all come together and with the opening of the hospital we will be launching "Sweet Pea Portraits" a Division of A Moment in Time Portrait Design. I am SO jazzed about this program. We will be doing a mini version of my Newborn Studies as well as a beautiful more colorful version of newborn portraits. I am working with Angie to get her trained in working more with newborns so she will eventually be the main photographer at the hospital, which is a perfect medling of her talents which is beautiful photography in a faster, higher volumn. All of you who know me know I like to take my time, so she is the perfect choice to head this up. Eventually we will be hiring others to help her as I think the hospital will really be growing fast. We will also probably be looking for help at the studio as her time is spent more with Sweet Pea. Its a very exciting time in my career, to see some of my dreams grow and become available to more people and still allow me to shoot at a slower pace and really enjoy my time with my clients...well its just more than I could have imagined!
Here is the link to the new hospital and its opening events and tours.
I hope to see you there!
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