Mom, wife, photographer, child of God....those are the important ones. Horseman (person), friend, artist...guess thats me. My favorite quote: "It is never too late to be what you might have been. - George Eliot"
This is SO funny, I had to share...hmmm, reminds me of some sessions this week...just kidding, none of my babies would be this way!
Hi All, just a quick note to let you know about our "Fall Leaf" mini sessions with Jennifer! Normally she doesn't do the short sessions, but she decided that it would be so fun to do sessions for Fall with lots of fun Fall leafs to throw around, that we decided to run a special for our clients!
This will be a Autumn color set, with bright orange, red, green & brown leafs on our "Fence" background which has many of those same colors. Fun red "apples" will also be on hand to play with (or you can bring real ones!) jean overalls, sweaters, hats, scarves & mittens (we'll turn down the air conditioning) will all be adorable! Anything with fall colors on them. These will be fun casual shots, letting the kids play with the leaves, roll around, jump and throw them in the air...no rules at Miss Jennifers! (well ok, only about the camera and the tickle bug!) Here are the details:
* 20 minute sessions so come dressed and ready to play
* $35 session fee paid when you book your appointment (1-2 Children 3-4 add $15)
* No minimum order amount
* Approx 15-30 images to choose from (sometimes more, you know Jen)
* Special Packages (start at $99) & products available
* As a Fall gift to you, everyone can use the "Associate Ala Carte Pricing" even though its Jen's sessions
* Holiday Cards will be available to order (or Fall cards!)
* You can order on line or come in for a 30 min ordering session, whatever is easiest for you!
Book today, first come-first serve! (512) 218-9947 Email questions to: Jenit@aol.com
I hope you are doing something fun and memory inspiring this summer. I look forward to hearing your storys!