Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Closing Sale THIS Sat

Ok so the BIG sale date for all of my stuff is next Saturday Oct 6th. It will be a closing sale but we'll also have some furniture etc so it will be a studio closing/yard sale. Also, if you think I might have sample pictures that you want, come and see me, I'll have lots of frames and "products" as well.

Please share this with anyone you can:

The sale will be at 101 Phillip Ln, Liberty Hill Tx 78642

PARKING WILL BE NEXT DOOR at 201 Phillip Ln (we own both). Red & green house. Then you'll walk across the pasture to where the sale will be. There will be signs. Gates open at 8am, NO EARLYBIRDS please.
Cash only or VERY local checks. I can take CCs but there will be a 3% charge.