Saturday, May 19, 2007

Visit Our Displays, New Dresses We Sell & Jen's Trip!

We have several images on display in location children's boutiques in Austin. Dolce Baby, Kind of Krazy Kids & Lambs E Divey all in the Westlake & Bee Caves areas. If you have not visited these stores, they have some wonderful cothing & accessories for children & Babies. Our images are featuring Haute Cocoa dresses which we photographed for her catalog this past Fall. They are adorable outfits made from vintage pillowcases. She is also the designer that I worked with to create our "First Year" collection of dresses which are emrboidered with "3 months" "6 months" "9 months" and "12 months" on 4 different dresses with coordinating robbons and stitching. The Set sells thru our studio exclusively and is $249 for all 4 dresses. Please call us or email if you are interested in ordering them! (Also makes a great gift for baby showers!) We are working with another designer to create a set for boys, I'll let ya know when that comes out! And if you are a photographer interested in purchasing this set for portraits, email me directly and we can order them for you. Email me at

We are always looking for new displays and you can earn free pictures if you help us! We will give free framed portraits for displays to children's clothing stores, doctors offices (in particular pediatricians & OB/GYN offices), specialty stores, toy stores, maternity clothing stores, restaurants etc. Anywhere there is public traffic flow of a consistent nature. A hospital display is a big one on our "To-Do" list too! If you know of any place that might want a beautiful display and you contact them for us, and they chose to allow us to earn free pictures! Anything from prints to a sessions and 16x20! We can bring them images that we have currently, we can photograph their children or their best clients children or we can design a shoot based around a theme for them. The possibilities are endless! Just make the initial contact with the owner, manager or whoever is in charge, then contact me and we will follow up with details.

I am off this weekend for Louisiana! I'll be speaking at the Lousisiana State Professional Photographers Spring Seminar. My program is on photographing newborns and I will actually be doing a live photo session with a 4 weeks old baby boy, wish me luck! Thats always the age that can decide to not sleep and in a room full of 70 people....VERY likely! :)

Keep checking our website for new information, specials & updates. We updated it recently with information and also new pictures in the gallery. Also, as an FYI, we have eliminated minimum orders for our Associate Sessions!