Hi all, ok this is not going to be depressing but I wanted to post something. My oldest son, whos 21, Dan, was in a pretty bad car accident last night. Hes going to be fine, he has some bruised lungs, sprained wrist, and a nasty seat belt burn, bruising and cuts etc. He was a passenger with 3 other boys, all who will be fine and range from a severe concusion to broken leg to just a sprained wrist. They were lucky, the car they were in was a very small car and they were hit by another small car..the thing is in TX we have a LOT of SUVS, trucks, Hummers etc..the odds of them being hit by a small car were very lo and thank God because if they had been hit by a truck or SUV they might not be here today and that was a thought that shook me to my core at 5am this morning when I finally got home and got some sleep. So my thought for the day is simply this...hug your kids every time they leave the house..no matter how old they are. Always tell them you love them before they go no matter how rush you are. And always enjoy the moments you have with them. My son called me from the back of the car while he was still stuck in there, he was having trouble breathing and was trapped basically....it was a moment of awe to realize that I was his first thought and I thank God I was not his last.....
Sorry for the heavy, but with us all worrying so much about business, being so busy, rushing around...this made me stop in my tracks and thank God for whats before me right now...not int he future, not when I fix this or that but NOW.