I normally do not pass this type of thing around especially when its a request for money, but I was moved by this little girl and her familys troubles and thought it necessary to send out. Please do not feel that you need to respond to me, if you do not feel led to donate anything, thats TOTALLY ok, but I felt I would be remiss if I didn't pass it on. This comes from a photographer that I know VERY well who photographs a LOT of terminal and ill children and she would not have passed this on if the need wasnt great. The information is there to send directly to the family if you want to, if not don't worry about it. At this time of year especially, I realize how blessed I am to have healthy, happy children and the more work I do with people who do not have healthy children or have lost them completely, the more I realize that it is truly a gift from God to have them at all, but it is a miracle to have them healthy.
I am forwarding this email to you in hopes that you are able to help this family that is suffering so much. I was only going to send this to friends and family but felt compelled to reach out beyond our community to ask for assistance.
I photographed a little girl who is 6 years old with brain cancer. The family is in need of financial help. Please find it in your heart to help and send any donations too:
Kate Hrischuk
c/o Michelle Hrischuk
1188 Somerville Drive
Oxford, MI 48371
Make checks payable to Kate Hrischuk, KMH. They are in the process of acquiring a tax id number and hope to have that in
the next few weeks so that donations may be tax deductible.
Thank you so much,
Erin Drallos